MG & J Associates

Property Management

About Us Photo

MG & J Associates focuses on three things:

  1. Property owners looking to rent their homes
  2. Families looking for homes to rent
  3. Then putting them together for the perfect match

As a family owned business, feel good knowing that you are going to be working with a company with family values who will treat you the way we would want to be treated.

Our Team
Joe Cluckey Photo

Joe Clukey, Owner

Joe has been managing properties since 2004 in both the Seattle and San Diego area. As a property owner himself and a person who has rented in the past, he understands the needs of both the property owner and the tenant. Joe's family is no stranger to real estate as his sister & brother-in-law are both real estate agents in Seattle. Joe a WSU alumni enjoys rooting for is beloved alma-mater...GO COUGS!

Mary Grace Eala Photo

Mary Grace Eala, Owner

Mary Grace was a renter for over 13 years and understands the joys and frustrations about renting.  Here to make sure tenants are safe and happy in their homes, Mary Grace thrives on giving them the best customer service available. She is good at getting her hands dirty and putting in elbow grease which makes her good as a back up handywoman.  After competing as a heptathlete collegiate track & field she now enjoys running recreationally and has completed numerous marathons and half marathons.

©2013 MG & J Associates. All Rights Reserved.
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